Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, August 9, 2024
Palestine Under Massive Attack and an Olympic Assassination Attempt
Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Melanie in Germany from July 29, 2024

The Blessed Virgin Mary appears to the visionary Melanie and announces a serious message. She shows her various inner images.
The vision begins in a kind of desert. Flat houses can be seen in the sandy, yellowish-white surroundings. It looks like the Middle East.
There will be an escalation here. Mary shows the visionary jets flying behind her, shooting directly at people with rapid fire.
People run away and try to get to safety. Stronger weapons are also deployed. Mary shows a beige, grayish armored pipe.
A hospital and a school are then bombed.
Mary looks very sad. She wants people to be warned.
The visionary senses that today is the beginning of the Third World War.
"I will show you what is coming, child. I'll show you the abomination, I'll show you the shameful deeds. Are you ready?"
Mary takes the visionary with her spiritually. It is as if Mary is walking quietly, on silent paths as if she and the visionary are walking undercover.
This is about someone who cannot and does not want to be seen. A man walks through narrow streets past white-beige houses.
The ground is rather sandy.
A large missile flies towards a city. The city is under American fire.
Men with very dark hair and long black beards walk through the streets. A woman in a headscarf and desert robe tries to get her baby to safety.
The image of the shelling of the city is repeated several times - a massive attack on a small town from afar surrounded by sandy desert.
Palestine comes to mind and again a heavy military attack that destroys half the town. American soldiers are there.
The picture changes. A hilly landscape appears. The visionary hears the American anthem. It is another attack. A tall American soldier with a cap is handling a weapon.
A burning missile comes flying from behind a hill. The whole thing looks like an ambush in a valley. The small town appears to be surrounded on all sides.
An image emerges from a place where something evil emanates as if something bad were to spring from it.
The image changes again. The visionary sees a man dressed in black, completely hooded and is running fast. He is carrying a black, round bomb. The fuse burns and crackles. It seems as if the man is secretly preparing to blow something up.
Now it is about the Olympics. The visionary sees a tall, blond runner with a red and white running shirt on an athletics track.
The athlete is shot in the chest while running.
Mary has tears in her eyes and announces that an athlete will die at the Olympics.
The visionary repeatedly sees the American visionary Brandon Biggs. His upper body floats over Paris and he spreads his hands over the city and prays, among other things, to protect the city.
It seems as if he has already prayed and that these prayers with his community have been effective and have taken away a certain danger.
The vision ends here.
Source: ➥